Don't neglect your website! 9 types of website support and maintenance services to keep your site running smoothly.


Don't neglect your website! A good website can be the backbone of your business's online presence, but that doesn't mean you can set it and forget it. If you don't provide consistent app support and maintenance to your site, you could lose all that traffic you worked so hard to get in the first place!


Here are 9 types of website support and maintenance services that will help you keep your site running smoothly and ensure it works in harmony with your business goals.


1) Updating Website Software

Website software isn’t like a smartphone app—it doesn’t get updated every week or two, if ever. But it is crucial that you update when prompted, because they often fix important bugs, improve security measures, add features, and allow you to use new tools with more ease.


2) Improving Website Speed

Website speed is important for all websites but even more so for e-commerce sites that may lose customers due to slow performance. Keep your pages loading quickly by reducing image sizes and using a content delivery network (CDN).


A CDN can also help you withstand traffic spikes caused by press coverage or an advertising campaign, ensuring you don’t overload your servers.


3) Fixing HTML Errors

HTML errors can cause a lot of issues on a web page, especially with links, images, and more. HTML errors are a common issue on websites because they are created by mistakes made while coding web pages by hand.


This means there's always some likelihood that you could create an HTML error when working on your own site, even if you're careful or use one of many CMS platforms which claim to eliminate HTML coding from everyday processes.


With Google now penalizing websites for having errors in their HTML code, it's important to know what these errors look like and how to fix them—in order for your website to run properly (and rank higher).


4) Backing up Files

It’s not a question of if your computer will crash but when. Computer crashes are always inconvenient, especially if they occur while working on a large project or presentation. Don’t let data loss ruin you or your business; make it easy on yourself and maintain backups of all files that could potentially be lost in case something goes wrong with hardware or software.


If there is any chance at all that you might need a particular file back up, just do it now before anything happens to mess up files permanently. There are many options for backing up files available both online and off, so don’t be afraid to search for one that will work best for you.


5) Search Engine Optimization


Search Engine Optimization services, or SEO, are a necessary part of web design because it allows you to get your site in front of as many people as possible. You want your search results to include content that is relevant to what your visitors are looking for so they don’t hit Back before even getting through an entire page.


6) Ensuring Design Consistency across All Pages

Ensuring design consistency across all pages – If you're responsible for a wide range of website pages, you need to ensure that they’re all designed in a way that meets usability best practices.


Things like heading levels, font sizes, and language should be consistent across all pages because each page impacts how users interpret content on other pages—and those interpretations can influence their overall perception of your brand.


7) Fixing Broken Links

Broken links are frustrating, but luckily they’re also pretty easy to fix. The first step is finding them; do a quick search for broken link checker in Google and try a few different tools that show you 404 pages.


Once you have a good list, go through each one manually. If you can repair it on your own, simply edit it into its original place (or somewhere else). If not, ask someone with more technical know-how than you to give it a shot! Link issues are no joke - so if you have time, put some effort into fixing them.



No matter what industry you’re in, it’s not uncommon for websites to experience some type of technical problem, even if they are expertly designed and developed from scratch. Luckily, there are a variety of app support & maintenance services available that can prevent problems before they start and quickly resolve issues when they occur. In most cases, it’s much more cost-effective (and efficient) to outsource these tasks rather than try and handle them internally.



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