6 Tips To Create A More User-Friendly Website


Creating a website can be an exciting prospect, but once you’ve launched your site, it’s easy to get discouraged when your traffic doesn’t pick up or your bounce rate remains high. 

If you want more people to visit your site and stick around after they do, there are some simple things you can do to make it more user-friendly and inviting, like following these six tips to create a more user-friendly website.

1) Choose Your Fonts Carefully

Not all fonts are created equal. Some are more user-friendly than others and should be used with caution in order to avoid a potential lawsuit. These days, lawsuits are increasingly common and can be costly if you’re caught using an overly aggressive font that ends up angering your users. 

So, it’s important to choose your fonts carefully when creating your website. You don’t want anyone taking legal action against you for unknowingly making them angry through poor font choice.

2) Simplify your navigation

Simplify your navigation with dropdown menus, which allow you to display your site’s most popular features in an easily accessible and visible way. 

Not only does a dropdown menu reduce users’ need to scroll through pages and pages of links, but it also reduces clutter on your home page, allowing visitors to focus more easily on what matters most.

3) Add Get Started Now buttons on every page

You want to be sure that it’s easy for users to learn more about your product or service and sign up right away, so make it as simple as possible for them. 

Adding a Get Started Now button on every page allows users to get in touch with you without having to do any additional research on their end. With tools like Leadpages (which also offers landing pages) and Unbounce, adding these buttons is fairly straightforward.

4) Combine Visual Aids And Words For Clarity

As web designers, we’re trained to create visual aids that grab attention and illustrate ideas—and that’s great! 

However, as a website development company, it’s important to remember that users also need words in order to understand what they are seeing. So, whenever possible, try pairing visuals with text descriptions so users have enough information to make sense of what they are looking at.

5) Keep Things Active

One of the best ways to get users to come back is by making your website active. This means it should always have something going on, whether that’s new blogs, videos, or games. It can even be as simple as a changing splash page with rotating images and text. Active websites make people want to come back every day—so make sure yours is doing that!

6) Remember Mobile Visitors

While it’s tempting to design your site with desktop users in mind, remember that mobile visitors will account for an increasing portion of your traffic. It’s therefore important to ensure your pages load quickly on smartphones and tablets—and are still easy to navigate.


Web design is one aspect that most people often underestimate. You need a professional website that reflects your brand and will be able to achieve your target audience. If you are looking for a web development company in India then you can contact us for more information.


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