9 Top App Development Trends for the Year 2022


App development has undergone dramatic changes over the past few years, and this trend will only continue in the year 2022 and beyond. This year, app developers can expect to find themselves working with augmented reality, the internet of things, and machine learning tools to improve their products and services even further. Below, we’ll go over what you need to know about each of these trends as you develop your next app in the year 2022 and beyond.

 #1 – App User Experience

One of top mobile app development | outsource net development trends is that User Experience and functionality have become a huge priority in app development. The goal of all developers is to create apps that enable customers to complete tasks as easily as possible, across any device and at any time. Apps need to be intuitive enough so that anyone can use them right away – including customers who don’t typically use smartphones or tablets. Developers should also ensure that their app looks good regardless of what device people are using it on, and they should optimize it so users can take full advantage of mobile devices’ features, such as touchscreens and cameras.

 #2 – IoT Connectivity

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of today’s top development trends, with billions being spent on IoT devices every year. In fact, it’s estimated that 50 billion connected devices will be in use by 2022—so it’s safe to say that IoT device connectivity will be a major trend over that time period.

 #3 – Chatbots

Chatbots are being integrated into every aspect of our lives, but one that isn’t yet used by most is financial services. It has long been predicted that millennials (people born between 1980 and 2000) will seek out a virtual or digital banking experience over their in-person interactions; chatbots will be able to provide millennial customers with everything they need and want – anytime, anywhere.

 #4 – Microservices Architecture

Communication between small services allows you to easily update any individual component without touching all of your other apps. If a new app fails, it only affects a few services and not everything at once. This is becoming increasingly more important as app sizes continue to grow. It’s critical that small businesses consider microservices early in their growth cycle so they don’t end up with a handful of large, monolithic apps later on that are impossible to maintain.

 #5 – Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become hugely popular over recent years, with many businesses and individuals switching to cloud storage options. As more businesses and individuals take advantage of cloud storage services, there will be an increased demand on them. This means that developers should consider incorporating these trends into their apps to give customers what they want. Cloud computing will become even more widespread in other app development trends as mobile app development companies look to integrate better online security systems into their apps to help prevent hacking attempts by cybercriminals.

 #6 – DevOps Automation

Apps are becoming smarter. They’re getting to a point where they can do things without us having to tell them, automating all kinds of tasks and actions. With codeigniter web development company in india trending toward automation, it’s no surprise that DevOps is growing along with it. More and more teams are turning to DevOps processes as a way to streamline their operations—and it makes sense: they can automate release cycles, build deployment pipelines and integrate their apps with countless other services.

 #7 – Android App Development Will See Growth in 2022

In 2017, Google released Android Oreo (Android 8.0) and that development has continued in 2022 with its main developer preview expected to hit any time now. What does Android app development have in store? What are your plans for 2022? We’ve outlined a few of our top predictions for what’s coming up in mobile application development company to share with you below.

 #8 – Web Components Taking over from Custom Elements & Shadow DOM

Web Components have finally landed in Chrome, which means it’s time to start taking them seriously. Based on Custom Elements and Shadow DOM, Web Components are a set of cutting-edge APIs that allow you to create encapsulated HTML tags and attach them to a DOM node. They aim to let developers build custom HTML tags that have their own JavaScript API and can be used anywhere without being included in a library or framework.

 #9 – Reusable Libraries and Component Frameworks

The Write Once, Use Many Times philosophy will be prevalent in app development. This means that in order to save time and money, developers will create small reusable libraries and component frameworks to help them code faster. As a result, it’ll become more common to see apps that feature a similar look, feel and layout.


Mobile apps are expected to represent more than 90% of all apps by 2023. As a result, businesses that fail to make mobile-first their priority will likely fall behind in terms of competitiveness and revenue. From here on out, developers will have to prioritize app development trends such as augmented reality, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. AR offers users new means of interacting with digital content; ML enhances user experience through predictive analytics and auto-categorization; AI helps people interact with apps like a human would (more personalization).



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